Well, let me rephrase that. Your systems are "perfect" at getting the results you are currently getting.

This is a business/leadership concept, but it is true in many/most aspects of life.

Your attitude: the system is a combination of your environment, your habits, your perspective, etc.

- It is perfect for creating the attitude you have right now.

Your body: your eating habits, your sleeping habits, stress, your DNA, your age, etc

- Your body is the perfect body for the system you have

Your knowledge: your IQ, your curiosity, your childhood environment, your drive, your sleeping/diet, etc.

- It's perfect. How much you know is just the right amount for the system.

The thing is we try to change these major things (ie. attitude, body, knowledge plus numerous others) all the time, but we won't acknowledge that the results we are getting are "perfect". We need to either change something systematically, or just be happy that we have what should be.

**I realize that somethings are out of my control (like DNA or childhood environment), but there are still variables in the system that I can control. **

You are "perfect", but if you don't like that version of "perfect", start taking a little more proactive approach to the simple things in life.

With "Perfection".


The Youth of Klein UMC's Fan Box