It isn't real for starters.

There isn't a war. No one is stopping you from teaching your children about the birth of Christ.

No one. Get over the Happy Holiday's "controversy". Or the Xmas crap (X is greek for Christo).

People "throw-up" information and draw lines in the sand about this every year. It is retarded, and if that offends you, I apologize in advance.

The truth is most people don't really know the origins of the date, the holiday, and the symbolisms used around the holiday. If you aren't going to go to the library or read the more in-depth commentaries out there, at least Google "origins of __________". Start somewhere, because the truth is you're defending something that isn't really biblical as much as made by us to be symbolic. No where does God command us to defend this day.

The story is in the Eucharist and Easter.

Christmas is a fabricated day. A day I love to celebrate, and a season that has always been a blessing, but it isn't biblical so get over it. *if you cross reference scripture, the birth would of been 1-2 months earlier (min)*

Keep the Christ in Christmas....we all collectively shout. Fine

Quit going into debt (not Christ-like)
Quit spending money on people that are already rich (not Christ-like)
Stop participating in Black Friday or Cyber Monday where we fight and lust over material things (not Christ-like)
Stop pushing conformity to tradition over caring for people (not Christ-like)

"Happy Holidays" or religious pluralism in the schools isn't killing the Spirit of Christmas, we are.

If you buy just because it is the expectation of the season and you buy for people that don't really need, maybe you need to check yourself before you "flip out" on how the greeter at WalMart greets you.

Jesus Christ wasn't about consumerism, heck St. Nick was at least about giving to those in true need.

If you're going to be a sheep on this, pick a better Shepherd than false fear, misguided anger, and national media banter.

With Great Humility.


The Youth of Klein UMC's Fan Box