Remember when you use to have time to think about your response to someone?

Maybe you don't, especially if you're a teenager.

Let me describe it to you......Long ago, there was a time when someone would send you something and even if you responded immediately there was a chance they wouldn't see it immediately. I remember when I was in the USAF. Lindsay and I would write letters (yes you read that correctly)...letters to one another. We even had them mailed with stamps and everything.

After I would receive a letter from her, I would read it multiple times to understand the thought, sublties, nuances, and emotions in her writing. I'd usually write her back in a day or two. I'd get excited about what I could tell her and I would think of not only what to say, but how to say it. It was slow, thoughtful, and an art.

I miss those days. Not the letter writing per se (but maybe that too). I miss some of the slowness in the communication.

We live in a highly "connected" world with immediate feedback.

....Instant results

.....Instant feedback

...... Instant

But maybe I don't want your instant, but rather your thought.

The "exchange rates" are getting faster, but is speed the priority.

People ask me things all the time (and ask for things).

They'd rather have me do something or say something fast, than tell them "I don't know" or "we will see".

Slow down your responses to people and see what happens???

It's like you're speaking German

People can't handle it. We are being program for only the immediate.

Somethings (and I'd argue very few) need instant "exchange rates", but most don't.

Slow down your responses. Slow down your reactions. Slow down your need for change.

with humility.

(if you're in Germany and/or German...please place a language in the underlined slot)


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