there is an art to many things in life.

One of which is conversations.

I've learned through experience that I can say something, that on the surface is inviting to a conversation, and it immediately close that person out. I know that if someone knocks on my door at 5pm with a flyer in hand, this conversation is over before it starts. Or if someone with a spunky voice calls me "Hey is this James?", we are done.

Some people assume something about you in this manner.... I worked for a car dealership (for a very short amount of time) while in college. I remember in a training the trainer telling us that if a person comes to the dealership they are wanting to buy that day (and it was our obligation to ensure that happened). But the truth is that isn't true. I know. I've gone to dealerships knowing buying wasn't an option at the time.

This is why door to door salesmen and car salesmen have such a great reputation.

This exists in all forums.

How many of us have presented the Gospel with the assumption that the person is buying, interested, and open? How many sermons are preached with the assumption that they know what the people are struggling with? How many times have I given someone advice that didn't want it and wasn't ask for it?

Sometimes you can close doors simply by the way you open them.

With Humility.


The Youth of Klein UMC's Fan Box