I was listening to a podcast and it was discussing "problems" vs "tensions that need to be managed".

I thought it was a great insight. It was talking about it is correlation to an organization, but I think it has deeper personal/individual implications.

The speaker was addressing that there are problems. Problems are things that need resolution. There is a right and there is wrong. There is finite length to that problem. It isn't eternal.

Then there are "tensions" that need to be managed. They differ from problems because there isn't resolution. They aren't black and white. They are ongoing, and if they are diffused temporarily....they return.

They need to be managed.

I know I've sat in staff meetings, planning conferences, pow wow's, planning periods, etc trying to solve tensions only to be incredible frustrated that they kept rearing their "ugly" head.


Problems don't have mature/well-thought-out-counter-points. Problems don't have more questions than answers. If you are dealing with things in your life that do....they are tensions.

and guess what????..... They are healthy for you. You need the counter position to your position. You need that debate. That debate needs you.

Tensions are healthy because they are "gut checks" to see if you/we/them are doing the right things. Tensions are healthy because they combat the inertia that we all struggle with. Tensions are healthy because they are agents of change...they create emotions....which lead to motion.

Think about the situations in your life that you struggle with or those that seem to be cyclical...

.....those are tensions.... they are not looking for solutions.... they are looking for you to manage them..... to readdress as things change..... as you change.

Again this isn't ground breaking, it's defining. Knowing what something "is" is just as important as knowing what something "isn't".

Quit trying to alleviate all the "problems" because some of them aren't "problems" to begin with, they are _________ that you were put here on the Earth to use your energy/soul/genius/daemon on.

Simply Constructive. Never Destructive.


I read Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell about 18 months ago and one of the things that I remember (which by now has fused together with some other readings) is that one of our objectives as believers is to "spy with our little eyes something holy"

That objective is Tour Guiding.

We are all on this ride called "life", some lives are traveling faster and some slower. Some are in remote locations. Some are in plain sight of millions. Some are through the eyes of a 5 year old while others are through eyes that have seen many more years.

We are all experiencing it. We can't dilute it. We can't deny it. What we can do is point IT out.

You see the holy spirit resides in everything. E-V-E-R-Y-THING. The best thing you can think of and the worst thing you can think of.

As you mature in your faith you start to see it more and more. The presence becomes more and more prevalent in everything. Your job, therefore, is to point it out.

God doesn't bless us with His presence, because He is present everywhere. God blesses us with us realizing His presence.

You should look, point, and say "On your left you will see God helping that woman cross the street and on your right you'll see God holding that door open for that lady in the wheelchair".

Don't ask God to join you where you are, ask God for you to join Him.

Simple Nuance, Bigger Understanding.

I'm going out on a limb. A stretch if you will on this thought....


I define "rich" as something deeper than abundance or wealth. I understand that if I asked people who is rich, they (MOST) would answer with someone who has a lot of something (usually money).

I see it differently. I believe that I'm rich and poor at the same time. I think we are all rich and poor.

I see "rich" as possessing something that is scarce, not abundant to most, even missed by most.

I understand Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, heck even Jimmy Buffett are financially "rich".
......monetarily that is

But so are many many others, just not in the financial sense.

With the obesity rate shooting through the roof
......the healthy are rich

With the economy at the mercy of the market
......educators are rich

With families more distant
......the family that doesn't eat in front of the TV is rich

With text messaging and facebook growing daily
.......the ones that can talk are rich

With people expecting Google to answer every question from who won the War of 1812 to what are some verses on patience
.......the ones who know without looking them up are rich

With outsourcing of everything from cleaning your house, putting up your lights, to making your meals
.......the people that are self sufficient are rich

Rich is holding something valuable, which is debatable. Rich is understanding you're rich. Rich is not holding it up so others can see it (because everyone does it already....not scarce at all). Rich is you and your value that some may see and some may not, but you become richer from that insight.

Don't flaunt that which you possess that is scarce. Thank God for it and ask him how you can use/share it.

So I was watching TV the other day and I saw a commercial (rare because of DVR). I laughed at the commercial because it confused me.

It started out with a musical number of 2 kids being bored and then the dad starts into song about using your imagination. It was silly, stupid.....whatever. Then the commercial turns into an advertisement for Netflix on the Wii. ????


Use your imagination by staring at a screen?

I think the truth is the paradox. I think that we are always sending mixed messages in our own lives.

.....we are creatures of mystery
.....we are paradoxes
.....we are reflections of our creator

I think that we do send mixed messages and this frustrates people, but it's real. We are not simple.

Sometimes we hate and love something at the same time.
Sometimes we want something we don't really want.
Sometimes we need something we don't really need.
And the obvious, we don't want what we need & we want what we don't need.

People hate the vague and that which isn't concrete, but our heart sways, changes, and acts out beyond our comprehension.

If you disagree, name someone that didn't contradict themselves....didn't confuse you by their actions....etc.

What messages are you sending people right now?
How are your actions backing it up?

-I've had people in my life tell me they love me, but then ignore me.
-I've had people in my life tell me they don't care what we do, but then get ticked when we don't do what they wanted to do?
-I've had people tell me that they want to know more, but then refuse to receive more.

You can get frustrated/mad/annoyed by others or you can be honest about where you do it and start there.

Do you have one?... a vision that is...

You may think that it isn't important or irrelevant or something you will get when the time is right, you may be wasting time/your life/my time.

Do you understand that how you see things that are yet to come completely dictates what you are doing right now? You see redemption, you redeem. You see pain, you aid that destruction.

God is bringing it back, not sexy, but it. Read Revelations 21 & 22.

It isn't abstract or distant, it's here.

If what you are watching/hearing/seeing/listening to/reading/bobbing your head to is causing you to see the worst, guess what?.... the worst will come your way.

If those same influences are bringing you to a place that sees healing/love/restoration, guess what?.... You are going to see amazing/beautiful things. You are going to see God.

If you want more, read Phil 4:8 and see more.

love, me

I was in a conversation and the question of authority kept creeping into the conversation and I had to ask myself "who determines what is authoritative?". Honestly????

The Bible, this Commentary, that Commentary, this Sermon, That Message, THIS Book, AHHHHH!!!!!

I could find a opposing "authority" to almost anything.

Your doctrine is the Truth, well..... what about the preacher down the street that went to seminary too and believes/preaches/teaches the exact opposite.

The Bible is obviously not the authority, because we (Christians) all use it and we all disagree. That doesn't seem very authoritative at all.

.....Or if it is, it isn't a good authority, or it is a good authority and we are all rebellious to that authority.

Semantics galore.... The fuse pops and the smoke clears for me to understand that the Bible isn't the authority, my pastor isn't the authority, and I'm definitely NOT the authority.

God is the authority. Period.

Follow God and it might look different for you than it looks for someone else. Except it and move on.

The Book of Acts might speak to you, maybe the Book of Amos, maybe Velvet Elvis, maybe Joel Olsteen, maybe your local pastor. Great, but don't push them like they are the authority. They are guides for you to help you understand/grasp/recognize/love what is authority.

Maybe the next time someone asks you what are you influences, maybe the short answer is God.

I was listening to a sermon this morning and the pastor kept reiterating a point about the fact that there are multiple ways that people read the Bible.

He stated that some were better than others, and that different angles provided a different result.

Most of the sermon didn't "land" on me because it was a lot of things that I'd heard/read/seen/experienced before and I didn't see it as all that groundbreaking, but there is ONE point that was emphasized again and again that I thought was worth repeating myself.

"Do you read the Bible thinking it's talking about you, or do you read the Bible thinking it's talking about Jesus/God?"

I heard this and didn't have an answer, or maybe I did and I immediately understood that it wasn't the right answer.
-How do I read the Bible?
-Do I see it as a manual or a "play book" for my life?
-Do I concentrate on me when I read?
-Do I read it for personal gain?
-Do I read it "expecting" something in return? (ouch...)

I struggle with this, and yes, I understand that some of the audience of Paul's letters are to Christians/Unbelievers/people-in-general. I understand that the we are to imitate the nature of Jesus/God to best of our ability and understanding. I understand that the Bible is written and canonized for us to experience God.


I think there is something dangerous about reading it with myself in mind. I should read it with God being the entire focus.

If I understand God, then my purpose (my chazown) will be understood.

I find its hard to understand people, this includes myself of course, and their actions.

There is a confusion that people have about who they are and who they want to be. The "gap" between those two things creates internal friction. That friction, then bubbles up to the surface, and becomes external friction.

The irony/paradox/sadness is that this friction creates a larger "gap" than the original "gap". I think we need to be patient with people (and ourselves) and help those that will listen see who they are, while helping them achieve who they want to be.

I read Ephesians and realize that "gap" doesn't need to be so detrimental to our soul. The "gap" isn't necessarily a bad thing. The difference creates movement and helps us fight the struggles we have at time with apathy. Inertia can be bad.

So.... observe the "gap" between who you are and who you want to be.... be honest that it exists.... be honest about yourself.... and don't let the "gap" grow so large that it cripples you

Love, ry

"Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the day time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life."
Psalm 42:8 (KJV)

from church Sunday 8/28 and was said in unison....

God's love frees me to be the person I am without having to become more attractive, more intelligent, more popular. God's love frees me to live in confidence, not needing to be self-absorbed, but ready to listen and to hear the stories of others. God's love frees me to take risks, to surprise even myself with courage, sometimes to fall flat on my face-but always to move onward with the knowledge that God is encouraging me. God's love frees me to view the world not from the standpoint of wealth gained or ambition achieved, but from the perspective of relationships lived and human love shared. God's love frees me to put my sins behind me, to know that no sin is too great or too small to be left open and healed by God's gentle touch. Thanks be to God! Amen.

1 Peter 4:10

Have you ever heard someone preach and thought...."I don't think they're good"?


Have you ever heard someone playing music and thought...."I don't like they way they sing"?

or (to be more positive)

Have you ever seen someone do something well outside their job that isn't related to their job?

I think we are all blessed in so many different ways. Humanity is a infinite continuum of talent. It has no boundaries and is constantly widening as opportunities grow.

I love seeing people in their element and using it to serve outwardly. There is a harmony in it.

I think people get caught up in doing too little because they are following what is successful for others. People also don't look to the depths of their gifts. Visible, Tangible, Transparent Gifts....but there is more.

Peter is calling us to use everything about us to serve..... EVERYTHING.

You can sing, great. You can write, great. You can run, awesome.

Think about all the things that come easy to you, that make sense to you, that inspire you, that convict you, that others see in you, and run with those. Stop trying to be someone else because it is much easier to share with others when you focus on your blessed talents, than your drive to acquire them.

Don't ever compare your gifts and talents to others. You'll never be satisfied. You'll always be confused on what you're doing. And more importantly....You'll take more than you'll leave, and we all lose.

May you dig inwards to discover that what you're tracking outwardly was in your own heart the entire time. May you see your talents, blessings, and resources as ways to bless others and not yourself.

Play music to inspire. Write poetry to connect people. Run races to raise money. Build things that build the Kingdom. Eat just enough to give you energy. Sleep just enough to give you rest. Play just enough to refresh your spirit. Live a life that takes all that was given and gives it away.

Well they are pretty much the same thing.

If you trust someone/thing, you have faith in he/she/it.....and vice versa

Webster's actually defines faith as having "complete trust".

So.... where is your faith/trust?

You reveal weakness/insecurity/convictions/sin/struggles with where your faith is. You allow yourself to be all of you with them. You allow yourself to be taken advantage of, because you trust that they won't do it. It's really hard to have faith in a lot of people/things/Savior because it requires so much of you to give up things to have that trust.

I think this is where people put the brakes on with their relationship to God. They are okay in believing in Him. They will pray to Him. They will get up Sunday mornings for Him.....

But.... we don't tend to be weak with Him and a lot of times we put in safety nets in our lives if God doesn't come through (the way we want Him to).

How many people save money? You probably think it's a great think to save for the future.

Is it?....or are you saving because you don't have faith God will provide you with what you need?

Maybe that is too much of a tangent.....

Whether you trust or don't, have faith or don't, you have to have a relationship to have both. You can't trust or have faith in someone that you don't know. If you struggle with faith, maybe you struggle with knowledge of what you're needing faith in.

Read, Pray, Mediate, Give, Fast

May you realize where you are honestly and truly at in your faith. May you not lie to others and yourself when God knows you don't trust. May you understand that in your honesty you are showing faith and God will respond.

Jer. 29:11

I just wanted to write about something that came to me.

Today feels like a new day. That is because it is a new day. Nothing real changes in you except you mindset about today.

There are going to be a lot of days like today.
....first day of school
....first day of a job
....day you get married
....day your kid is born

The truth is a lot of it is you and your attitude. You believed you're different and therefore act refreshed or excited.

What if you treated everyday like this?

What if you had the attitude that today is new? Today is different? Refreshed? Excited?

Excited about everyday!

When you understand God, you'll understand that everyday is a new day. ...a gift.

May you be excited tomorrow, and the day after that, and the week after that, and the month after that, and the season after that.

To quote the tortoise from Kung Fu Panda, who is probably quoting someone a bit more famous
"The past is history, the future a mystery, and the present is a gift"


...influenced by Francis Chan and Chris Deluise.

This morning I heard a sermon that was about "Call to Action". This sermon was a message from Jer. 1:4-10 and about how we react to our "calling" or "call".

Point 1. This is a reflection of the message. Our progression, as Chris stated, goes from
1. The Call
2.The Rejection of that call
3. GOD'S reassurance that it is right for us
4. The sign's that the call is in motion.

The call itself is continual and should allows be reexamined. Never should you think that the spirit is done with you. God may need you to move into a new mission field or he may be using your current mission/ministry to springboard into something else. (btw...all of us have a ministry because our lives are a ministry). And maybe in the searching for your call you discover that God has you where you're at for a reason and He isn't trying to move you in different direction.

The Rejection can be lengthy or so short you may not realize it. We are needed to do things that require us to subject ourselves or lay down for God/others. We are all selfish in our humanity, which is a wall and causes us to reject. But if we subject ourselves to God's will we can fight that rejection.

The Reassurance come from, in my experience, a path of least resistance. If I'm answering the call, my life seems simple/easy/but not absent of hardships. It's just that our hardships don't seem bigger than the God we serve.

....... A side note..... If you stress and worry, it's because you don't believe God is in charge. We all experience this, but if we live our lives this way ...it shows God that we are lacking Faith. If you need Biblical examples of people that worried and stressed, but then "got it"... see Peter, John, Andrew, Timothy, etc.

The last progression is the Sign(s) that you've answered God's call. This can be experience, words, actions, etc that are moments that God is wanting you to see. Have you ever done the right thing (in your life) and saw something come of it? That is a sign. You have to be trying to understand God's will for you in your life and you need to have your radar on for reassurance/signs.

Point 2. I really liked Chris' message, but I wanted to add an aspect that I picked up from Chan's book Crazy Love (p169).
You don't treat action for God so differently that you don't move. You've heard someone say "I just don't know what God is calling me to do." Their reaction to that is inaction. They don't serve others, the poor, the needy, the disenfranchised, and God because they don't know where God is "calling" them.

Don't wait because you aren't sure.

If you using that as an excuse, let me pose the same question Chan addressed.

Did you watch TV for 3 hours because God told you to?
Do you sleep in because God told you to?
Did you eat too much because God told you to?
Do you do a lot of thing because God told you to? .... I'd have to say NO.

Your "call" or "calling" is important but don't let that be so important to you that you don't ACT. ACT for God.

Rest is an important part of the equation.

Rest is the balance to work.... and we seem to place value on what we are producing.

I've taken some time to rest and I understand the importance more and more. I get to the point sometimes where the value of rest is very low on the "totem pole".

Work Hard, Rest Religiously, and Find God in Both.

There are disciplines that the Bible lays out for you. Not just because, but because they are essential to the balance.

Look up disciplines that the Bible states. (spiritual, self, etc.)

You are not a sociologist or an anthropologist, are you?

..... Human behavior/interactions/reactions/needs/responsibilities have common threads and the Bible speaks to these.

Don't think that the Bible is dated one minute. You are Saul, Nicodemus, Pilate, David, Abel, Judas, Peter, etc.

Rest because....

- you need it
- you have more to give if you do
- it heals
- you are commanded to

- if nothing else.....do it because God does.


Know Pain, Know Glory

1 Cor. 9:25-27

There are 2 types of pain in life.

Trials - these are the pains that are afflicted to you from the outside.
....losing a job
....parents divorce
....someone breaks your heart
....someone close dies
....etc. (I could make a long list)

Discipline - these are the pains that you bring to yourself by denying your desires
.....Give away our $$$, our time, our energy, etc.
.....Not watching TV
.....Not judging even if you know your right
.....Reading the Bible instead of Twilight
.....Helping others

What's real is trials and discipline bring you closer to God and make you spiritual mature.

Trials you don't necessarily control, Discipline you do.

We live in a ME society. iPhone, iPod, iPad, My Playlist, My Diet, My Shows, My Style,......Me Monsters is what we are. We rarely suppress ourselves.

So when the church tries to tell you to subject yourself to Christ and to other people, there is crickets. Nobody whats to serve, because you serve yourself in every other aspect of life (myself included).

I will say this... we are good at serving with our mouths, but that isn't Biblically sound at all.

Heck... We live in a culture where leaders of churches make more than the congregation. The people called to serve, teach, and live as Christ did show us that subjection doesn't apply to ever aspect of their live (especially the wallet).

We need Discipline. We need to tell the "Me Monster" ....No.

Find something that you want/desire. Tell it "No".

Once you tell it "No" long enough, that desire dies. Then you move on to the next and it's not a discipline anymore.....It who you've been transformed into (Romans 12)

No more "Blank Check"

1 Peter 4:10

Bryan's sermon made me think about the market there is for "self-help" books.

People are always feeling inadequate.... Why?

Have you been convinced that there is something about you that needs work or needs to be fixed?

I have.

I think we are being tricked into believing that we aren't good enough and that we can't experience things because of the lack on something. I'm sure you can look to someone in your life and/or someone famous thinking that if I could just have ________ or just do _______, I'd be okay.

It's a trap. The __________'s in life are traps. Sorry to tell you that, but it's true.

I'm telling you this from my own experience. I've lived life at times _________ filling. Guess what happens when you fill the __________.???

....another __________ is created.

Have you ever watched a dog chased it's tail and laughed? I have and I assume that is what God is doing when we live our lives this way. Stop trying to fix yourself, and use what you have to try and fix the broken-ness around you.

Your inadequacy (short falls) are irrelevant. Use what you have to build up people around you.

That is the only "self-help" technique.

.....Imagine how much better you would be
.....Imagine how much better we would all be


....please insert Psalm 19:7-12

Do you ever find yourself in a rut or a place where things never seem to work out?

Maybe your happyness isn't something you to need to go out and get.

God's Word
-restores your soul
-makes you wise
-brings joy to your heart

Today, find happyness in the Word. God will meet you wherever you stand. Wisdom brings understanding and understanding brings peace.

Find a verse and share how it speaks to you.

(i know i spelled happyness wrong... it was intentional)

A Full Tank of Gas

Luke 24:35-49 (emphasis on verse 49)

Jesus reappears to His disciples and instructs them on the task at hand. He explains that he has fulfilled His part and tells them what is next.

He tells them...

Not to fear.
Be reassured.
To feed Him.
Remember what you've been taught.
Go out and share this.

But before they act they should "stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven."

God isn't commanding you to go out into the world unprepared. He didn't tell His disciplines to leave after He left and get the Word out. He told them to wait until you have received power.

My question is.... What is your "city" or place or state of mind/spirit that you go to to be "filled"?

What do you think Jesus meant by "power from heaven"?

Heart Check.

Matt. 15:8-9 (Jesus quoting Isaiah 29:13)

This verse brings curiosity to the front of my mind. I spend a lot of time with people inside the church and I feel that this verse needs to be read and mediated on more and more often.

The first part (verse 8) reveals that to me that people love to "save face" when it comes to church and community of people within it. People love to say what they would want to believe but don't actually believe it. You can tell want a person actually believes by what they do.

Yes... they may say forgiveness is the most important thing, but if they hold grudges or they are constantly judging/criticizing...do they believe in forgiveness?

I think our culture consists of keeping your true beliefs silent if they don't line up (or at least keep the fact that you live a life that is in opposition of what you say is right... a secret)

I've often wondered if this keeps people out of church, because they may see more honesty outside these walls.

Second part (verse 9) speaks on the teachings within a church.
Do we live by the doctrines/structures of man or that of God?

We (all churches) have rules, rules, and rules.
And there are rules on how to follow the rules.
And rules on how to deal with rule-breakers.
And rules on how to reward those who are rule-followers.
And rules about making new rules.

Understanding that this is a bold statement
....but there is 1 rule.

Love God.... the end..... fin...... al final.

We spend energies in so many ways and have a tendency to forget "why" we are doing what we are doing... and we end up "worship(ing) me in vain"

When you are at church, do you focus on loving/worshiping God?

What else do you do at church? (follow rules, structure, make sure people are doing their job, criticize, sleep, etc)


"The word 'getting' is, I think, the problem with contemporary Christianity. God is the audience of worship. What you get is, quite frankly, irrelevant as a starting point."

-James Gilmore (economist talking about the church experience and people's attitude towards worship.


Jer. 29:11

This is just one of many verses that are misused in the bible. This is a big one in the prosperity Christianity movement, but I'm not going to write out the problems with prosperity Christianity.

The purpose of this post is that I heard 4 different examples of people misusing scriptures this week. They didn't misquote them, but they we're using them in a prideful sense of proving others wrong. Scripture isn't put into place for you to use as ammunition. People have a tendency to use particular verses to fulfill there own beliefs. This is okay if you read the whole bible, understood the entire bible, and had an understanding on the intent of the verse.

This doesn't happen....

Instead you have people using them to create an illusion of their god that supports their ideas and agendas.

Verses have been used to justify genocide, rape, women oppression, slavery, forbidding dancing or alcohol, racism, war, etc, etc, etc....

I write this as a warning because we all have the tendency to speak on God's behave about social issues. God is more concerned with your soul and your heart, and the soul and heart of those you're trying to coerce, convince, or persuade.

Love God constantly.
Love Your Neighbor at all costs.

Worry about how you can do these things and not how "right" you are.

Salvation isn't a win-loss outcome.


2 Cor 9:6-15

It's not always easy to give our money away. We work hard to earn it, and we need it to buy necessities (and maybe some fun things as well).

But in this passage, Paul reminds us why it can be easy: God is the great Provider, God owns everything, and God is always able to provide for you as you provide for others.

You can't outgive God.

So do you trust God? If so check to see where your money goes.


-Why is it so hard to give sometimes?

Ask God for faith to trust him in the areas of your life in which you're still holding on to your money.

Think about some ways that God is providing for you already.

Thank you God

Psalm 118:24

Today is pretty simple. Thank you God for what I have.

Today, some of us are fasting to help us raise money and also awareness.

This is my 5th fast of the year (all about 36 hrs) and all are different. I think this one is more powerful because I know that others are doing it as well. My brother's church is doing 30 Hour Famine at the same time, and I think that connects us as well.

I could write for days on the importance of fasting or quote numerous scriptures to drive in why it was important back then.

I'd rather, just be thankful that I have the opportunity to feel something natural, something that help me empathize with others, and something that keeps me focused on God.

So Thanks.


-What is something that you can thank God for today?

Tell Him.

Okay Peter, it's like this.

Acts 10:9-48

God loves the drama in this story.

Why the drama, because this was a big event and a transition for Peter... and for Christianity.

Up until this point, Peter (a man that understood Jewish traditions and law) knew certain things about God. What was acceptable and what wasn't.

Or at least he thought he did.

God comes in with something simple like food and ends up paralleling it to people.

Before this, Jews were the chosen people, but now he understanding that God loves everyone just as much as he loves the Jews.

He loves....
the gentiles
the Jews
the Romans
the pagans
the Americans
the Iraqis
the Chinese
the Republicans
the Democrats
the atheists
the murders
the jerks
the hypocrites
the church going
the mean girls
the "you".....

all the same.

Peter didn't accept this easily, much like it is hard for us to accept that God loves people that we don't. As Peter began to understand, he changed his mind... and so can you....


- How would you react if God asked you to change your mind about something you've always believed?

- Is there any place in your life where you believe some people are more important than others? Why?

- How does this passage help you deal with that? (knowing you're not alone, Peter feels your pain)

Christian Virus

Acts 1:6-8

Hey, I know it is a weird title to discussion, but I like to think differently. I prefer it.

I love this verse, it is like God telling you to get off you butts and get to work for Him.

God could of sent Jesus to ever corner of the Earth so that everyone would see the miracles,
hear the teachings, and receive salvation....but He didn't.

Jesus/God empowers us, (that's right, you have powers) to spread this message of salvation to the
far ends of the globe. God wants you to act on your own salvation and forgiveness to tell other about
what has happened for them as well.

There is roughly a billion of people who have never heard the Gospels...that's crazy.


-Have you ever felt like God was calling you to tell someone outside of your culture the Message?

-How do you think we could reach that billion+?

Finally, pray/mediate in silence about the verse...read it 2-3 times and ask God how He wants to use you?


1 Peter 2:9-10

Where do you come from? Are you Irish, Native American, African American, etc?

Your roots give you a sense of direction, guidance, history, and importance in the grand scheme of things.

Today, look at your spiritual roots.

You are part of a long standing heritage that is the church.

Read the scripture.

How does it feel to know you're a part of a larger spiritual kingdom?

How should this knowledge change the way you live as a believer?

Role Playing

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 & Colossians 1:18

Being a part of a church or a part of the Church (all Christians together), means that you have your part to play in community of believer. You may think, "I'm not important because I'm not in a particular group or have a particular personality", but that is far from the truth. Everyone has been blessed with spiritual gift
(to figure out yours click here -> http://www.kodachrome.org/spiritgift/).

Another part of being in a community is realizing who is in charge. We get caught up in following people in the church... Friends, Parents, Youth Directors, Clergy, Etc...

The truth is Jesus Christ is the leader of our church.
The Brains.
The Heart.
The Power.
The Inspiration.
The Message.
The Authority.

-How can you honor Jesus today as head of His Church?

- Do you know what your role in the Church is? ...no?... Pray and ask Christ to reveal to you what it is.


Using the message from Bryan's sermon this morning, I wanted us to look at what is church.

Why do you think Christians attend church weekly, hardly at all, or never?

What is the purpose of going to church?

I've experienced various reasons in my own life.
- I've gone out of discipline (just showing us)
- I've gone because my parents made me (stay out of trouble)
- I've gone because I didn't have anything better to do (stay out of trouble)
- I've gone because I'd mess up (wanting forgiveness)
- I've gone because it was an escape (wanting refreshment)
- I've gone because I love God (wanting to worship)

Church has many faces.
It is a noun.... a place to go.
It is an adjective..... describing people that are discipline (churchie person or church-going)

It a verb.... an act of meeting with others that are trying to understand and thank God.

Church is not entertainment, Church is not a reflection of worldly values and justice, Church is not a business, Church is not a commodity.

Verses 18-19. What is described about Church?

Mark 10:17-31

What part of the verse/parable do you focus on the most?

This parable mainly focuses on two things:
- What money, little faith, and good works gets you.
- What leaving it all behind will get you.

The focus for today is verses 29-30

Whatever you leave behind, you'll receive 100x that later. We shouldn't ultimately struggle with leaving money and possessions behind, but it is hard when you're talking about people (especially family).

If your relationships are struggling outside the church community, how are you working on building those relationships with your brothers and sisters in God?

Have you ever felt like Peter? (meaning... Peter surrendered everything)?


Wow, I asked my group on Wednesday to come here (bindandloose.blogspot.com) and read/respond to whatever was up for the day. You know, just a way of being disciplined to read some scripture on a daily basis.

Guess how many have....? 0.


Or maybe not that shocking.

I'm sure if I asked individuals for a reason, I'd get some good ones...
"Had to study", "Forgot", "Tired", or my favorite "I just don't want to (the apathy dagger)".

That last one stings a little, but it is the truth.

People, not just Youth and definitely including myself, are too busy. Or are least they have the perception of being too busy. Either way, we're busy. Corrie Ten Boom once said, "If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy". The truth in that statement is scary. I feel saddened that people have forgotten "purpose" and replaced it with ...
-entertaining websites
-boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend

The truth is we shouldn't have time for these things and instead we argue the opposite to be true. Saying I don't have time for....
-dinner with the family
-sit alone and think about my life and those I affect

We think that "busyness" means productive or successful.
Exodus 34:21

God commands you to slow down and rest, but let's say that you are a "busy body" or you're "ADHD" (even if it's self-diagnosed).

Read Colossians 3:23-24

I'll ask the tough question.

What are you doing, and how is it for God?

(and I'm not asking, what is one thing you're doing for God?. I'm asking how is EVERYTHING that you're doing purposeful for God?)

Earth Day... Liberal thought...maybe...

Christian calling... definitely!

Verses to chew on (Pick at least one, but read all of them to get the picture)
-Gen. 1:26
-Lev. 25:23-24
-Ezek. 34:2-4
-Isa. 24:4-6
-Jer. 2:7

I read those verses and can't help but be move to act.

I think of it as a job/duty/calling to take care of things. I think of it as I think of other things like teaching my children right from wrong, paying bills, feeding my cats, and calling my grandma. These are not things that are negotiable, THEY HAVE TO BE DONE. Sure I could skip out on following through with any of these thing, but I see the side effects of doing so. My kids would get in trouble, my water would get cut off, my cats would die, and my grandma would be sad....

So what is the effect, spiritually, if I don't take care of that which God commanded me to take care of?

The bible is a story of redemption and about us being a part of that redemption.

How does taking care of the planet bring the message of God to the world?

Why don't all Christians recycle and oppose waste/pollution?

If you don't care about any of this, is that right/wrong/indifference/etc?

I've decided to put something up daily for us to discuss. The importance of interacting and sharing a community is important when we are together and when we are apart.

Community is important and sometimes our church tries to manufacture (create) it. I think it is hilarious that we try to make something there which is already there.

You believe what you believe because of your environment...Right?

You believe that Jesus is the son of God because your parents and friends believe that...Right?

Can you see God in a different light... Meaning, can you imagine a God that is different from that of your parents and peers?

I believe that the God I grew up with is just a "Catalog" image of the real thing. I feel like I was brought up to believe in a God that someone else believes in. It was until I truly started to believe that I realized I didn't understand. The understanding of what I believed, helped me understand that I didn't understand (....pop.... I think I just blew a fuse).

Respond if you dare...I dare you!

Matt. 16:13-20

-What do you think of Jesus? (Teacher, Prophet, Etc.)

-If you didn't know anyone that believed in Jesus, would you? y?

-If everyone began to reject the divinity of Christ, would you? y?

Tonight we looked at prophecies in the Old Testament and how they were fulfilled in the New Testament.

Psalms 22:6
Zech 9:9
Psalm 69:21
Isaiah 53:5-9
Psalm 78:2

This is just a very small sample of all the prophecies in the Old Testament.

We then looked at New Testament "prophecies" of what Christians will be.

Again looking at a few verses, we came up this.....

A Christian is....
1. Someone that denies Earthly things
2. Realizes that to be 1st, you must be last.
3. Realizes that you don't become a Christian just to save themselves.
4. Strives for martyrdom
5. Spreads the Word with no regard
6. Does hate, appreciates.
7. Love themselves first so that they can love others.
8. Loves other before themselves.
9. Generous
10. Democratic.

What are some more attributes that verses would define as "Christian"?

Give verses and examples.

I went to bed frustrated last night because a conversation went "South". It is a conversation that repeats itself and it, in this case, is with the same person. Trying to be aware and understanding during a debate leaves me wondering if debating is counter-productive between certain people.

I was making all efforts to agree to disagree, but that wasn't "kosher" with the other person. The other Brother in Christ was determined to make me see the same way.

My goal is not to convince others that my beliefs are right, rather to express what I believe in general.

People often think that their words sway the oceans.
.....I do understand Matthew 15:11, Proverbs 13:3, and numerous others...

But, when someone says that they are concerned about my beliefs, I have to wonder ....WHY?

I don't go to bed at night wondering about what other people believe.
I don't go around trying to make sure that we all agree.
I don't think that disagreeing necessarily means that one is right/one is wrong.

I guess it bothers me when I anger people by believing differently. That isn't my intent and I wonder if God is shaking his head.


I am doing something to bring this on?
Should I work on being more aware of WHO I'm talking to?
Realize that some people are not good at debating with me?
(with some people, it is just a conflict of personalities, but I do think that when people are hell-bent on convincing you it is because they don't honestly respect you)

What scripture relates to this?

As I start to look for progress and depth in my life, I start to look backwards more than forwards.

It's a weird feeling to some degree, but I feel like I've personally missed the mark. I feel like the "truths" about God, life, family, health, fitness, relationships, and entertainment are simply more simple. I've (and the culture/society) have just made things complicated.... and for no other reason than .....progress?

What is the progression from?

I think we've made the simple things hard, and we are making the Godly difficult things extinct.
Difficult things like forgiveness.... discipline.... integrity....

People will give up on almost anything these days because they've lost to ability to forgive, be discipline, and have integrity.

How many people give up on doing healthy habits, give up on friends, give up on some possession for a newer one, give up on doing something right because no one is looking, give up on a marriage/family, ???

It's like we have a limited amount of resources to deal with the "hard" things and because we've actually made stupid stuff complicated.... we have little left to handle the meaningful

I want to deal with my struggles to forgive, to be disciplined, to have integrity.... I don't want to stray from this and worry about status updates, dieting (we are the only country worrying about killing ourselves with too much food), music, ego, hairstyle, type of car, how much money I make, technology, entertainment, tv, etc, etc, etc, etc....

How many hours a day do I spend learning, sharing, meditating, focusing, worshiping God?

Now compare that to the amount of time I spend learning about sports (ESPN), sharing gossip, meditating on...nothing, focusing on what I don't have, and worshiping stuff.... Ouch... it's not even funny or close.

So, without beating the spirit out of the Spirit, how do I change?

Simply put. Simplicity.

Why the title? Why the blog? Why should I participate in the discussion?

All great questions....

I've been talking (seeking counsel) from friends/family/etc. about ideas to help depth of the religious discussion.

How do we talk as brothers and sisters in Christ without it being "Here's some Bible info.....learn it"?

Through conversations I've realized that I dominate the discussion, and it is because the approach is all wrong. It exists, but it can be counter-productive. In this self-reflection and inspiration from God and various authors (mostly Rob Bell), I've decided to create a place to "bind" and "loose".

This is a Jewish (then turned Christian) method of looking at theology.

To bind something is to prohibit it
.....No working on the Sabbath....no eating pork....no making false idols....
To loose something is to allow it
.....Working on Sunday.....Bacon in the morning time....wearing a cross around your neck.....

This is a very broad example, but I'm only trying to paint the picture with a broad stroke so that you'll understand.

Another Blog...Really?
I feel that a blog, where anyone can comment, is an easy place. I would prefer to meet in person, but that goal is and will be achieved eventually.

....Until that time, this is going to be the place to work on questions. To work on answering a question with another question. To learn that being "right" is ultimately pointless if we miss the point. To learn that ignorance and weakness are voids (gifts) where God is able to fill.

Honestly?...to learn to get over yourself.

Why waste my time?
Don't. If you think this is a waste of time. You are not ready. Some scratch the surface like a "scratch 'n' sniff" sticker thinking this smells good. Then they "stick" the sticker on their life and forget about it most of the time.

Guess what? It stops smelling good.

Others smell it. Scratch some more. Understanding how to scratch it, when to scratch it, and are aware that the sticker isn't a badge or a decoration in their life.

I'm talking to person number two...and praying person number one learns to truly appreciate what that "sticker" is.

I know that is a weak analogy to come up with, but it's mine and makes sense to me....

I'm looking for the few that can't get enough. Those that understand that the more they understand the more they don't (....AND THEY LOVE IT....!!!!)

I've asked my brother (Doug - 13 year veteran youth minister) to join me in this. I've ask him to ask his youth to join all of us in this.

The possibilities. The realities. Your spiritually. Are what you allow God to do.

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