Jer. 29:11

I just wanted to write about something that came to me.

Today feels like a new day. That is because it is a new day. Nothing real changes in you except you mindset about today.

There are going to be a lot of days like today.
....first day of school
....first day of a job you get married your kid is born

The truth is a lot of it is you and your attitude. You believed you're different and therefore act refreshed or excited.

What if you treated everyday like this?

What if you had the attitude that today is new? Today is different? Refreshed? Excited?

Excited about everyday!

When you understand God, you'll understand that everyday is a new day. ...a gift.

May you be excited tomorrow, and the day after that, and the week after that, and the month after that, and the season after that.

To quote the tortoise from Kung Fu Panda, who is probably quoting someone a bit more famous
"The past is history, the future a mystery, and the present is a gift"



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