I went to bed frustrated last night because a conversation went "South". It is a conversation that repeats itself and it, in this case, is with the same person. Trying to be aware and understanding during a debate leaves me wondering if debating is counter-productive between certain people.

I was making all efforts to agree to disagree, but that wasn't "kosher" with the other person. The other Brother in Christ was determined to make me see the same way.

My goal is not to convince others that my beliefs are right, rather to express what I believe in general.

People often think that their words sway the oceans.
.....I do understand Matthew 15:11, Proverbs 13:3, and numerous others...

But, when someone says that they are concerned about my beliefs, I have to wonder ....WHY?

I don't go to bed at night wondering about what other people believe.
I don't go around trying to make sure that we all agree.
I don't think that disagreeing necessarily means that one is right/one is wrong.

I guess it bothers me when I anger people by believing differently. That isn't my intent and I wonder if God is shaking his head.


I am doing something to bring this on?
Should I work on being more aware of WHO I'm talking to?
Realize that some people are not good at debating with me?
(with some people, it is just a conflict of personalities, but I do think that when people are hell-bent on convincing you it is because they don't honestly respect you)

What scripture relates to this?


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