No more "Blank Check"

1 Peter 4:10

Bryan's sermon made me think about the market there is for "self-help" books.

People are always feeling inadequate.... Why?

Have you been convinced that there is something about you that needs work or needs to be fixed?

I have.

I think we are being tricked into believing that we aren't good enough and that we can't experience things because of the lack on something. I'm sure you can look to someone in your life and/or someone famous thinking that if I could just have ________ or just do _______, I'd be okay.

It's a trap. The __________'s in life are traps. Sorry to tell you that, but it's true.

I'm telling you this from my own experience. I've lived life at times _________ filling. Guess what happens when you fill the __________.???

....another __________ is created.

Have you ever watched a dog chased it's tail and laughed? I have and I assume that is what God is doing when we live our lives this way. Stop trying to fix yourself, and use what you have to try and fix the broken-ness around you.

Your inadequacy (short falls) are irrelevant. Use what you have to build up people around you.

That is the only "self-help" technique.

.....Imagine how much better you would be
.....Imagine how much better we would all be


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