1 Peter 4:10

Have you ever heard someone preach and thought...."I don't think they're good"?


Have you ever heard someone playing music and thought...."I don't like they way they sing"?

or (to be more positive)

Have you ever seen someone do something well outside their job that isn't related to their job?

I think we are all blessed in so many different ways. Humanity is a infinite continuum of talent. It has no boundaries and is constantly widening as opportunities grow.

I love seeing people in their element and using it to serve outwardly. There is a harmony in it.

I think people get caught up in doing too little because they are following what is successful for others. People also don't look to the depths of their gifts. Visible, Tangible, Transparent Gifts....but there is more.

Peter is calling us to use everything about us to serve..... EVERYTHING.

You can sing, great. You can write, great. You can run, awesome.

Think about all the things that come easy to you, that make sense to you, that inspire you, that convict you, that others see in you, and run with those. Stop trying to be someone else because it is much easier to share with others when you focus on your blessed talents, than your drive to acquire them.

Don't ever compare your gifts and talents to others. You'll never be satisfied. You'll always be confused on what you're doing. And more importantly....You'll take more than you'll leave, and we all lose.

May you dig inwards to discover that what you're tracking outwardly was in your own heart the entire time. May you see your talents, blessings, and resources as ways to bless others and not yourself.

Play music to inspire. Write poetry to connect people. Run races to raise money. Build things that build the Kingdom. Eat just enough to give you energy. Sleep just enough to give you rest. Play just enough to refresh your spirit. Live a life that takes all that was given and gives it away.


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