Why the title? Why the blog? Why should I participate in the discussion?

All great questions....

I've been talking (seeking counsel) from friends/family/etc. about ideas to help depth of the religious discussion.

How do we talk as brothers and sisters in Christ without it being "Here's some Bible info.....learn it"?

Through conversations I've realized that I dominate the discussion, and it is because the approach is all wrong. It exists, but it can be counter-productive. In this self-reflection and inspiration from God and various authors (mostly Rob Bell), I've decided to create a place to "bind" and "loose".

This is a Jewish (then turned Christian) method of looking at theology.

To bind something is to prohibit it
.....No working on the Sabbath....no eating pork....no making false idols....
To loose something is to allow it
.....Working on Sunday.....Bacon in the morning time....wearing a cross around your neck.....

This is a very broad example, but I'm only trying to paint the picture with a broad stroke so that you'll understand.

Another Blog...Really?
I feel that a blog, where anyone can comment, is an easy place. I would prefer to meet in person, but that goal is and will be achieved eventually.

....Until that time, this is going to be the place to work on questions. To work on answering a question with another question. To learn that being "right" is ultimately pointless if we miss the point. To learn that ignorance and weakness are voids (gifts) where God is able to fill.

Honestly?...to learn to get over yourself.

Why waste my time?
Don't. If you think this is a waste of time. You are not ready. Some scratch the surface like a "scratch 'n' sniff" sticker thinking this smells good. Then they "stick" the sticker on their life and forget about it most of the time.

Guess what? It stops smelling good.

Others smell it. Scratch some more. Understanding how to scratch it, when to scratch it, and are aware that the sticker isn't a badge or a decoration in their life.

I'm talking to person number two...and praying person number one learns to truly appreciate what that "sticker" is.

I know that is a weak analogy to come up with, but it's mine and makes sense to me....

I'm looking for the few that can't get enough. Those that understand that the more they understand the more they don't (....AND THEY LOVE IT....!!!!)

I've asked my brother (Doug - 13 year veteran youth minister) to join me in this. I've ask him to ask his youth to join all of us in this.

The possibilities. The realities. Your spiritually. Are what you allow God to do.


awesome. bring it. let's do this. THIS IS SPARTA!!! IRENE! TACO BELL TACO BELL!!!

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