Rest is an important part of the equation.

Rest is the balance to work.... and we seem to place value on what we are producing.

I've taken some time to rest and I understand the importance more and more. I get to the point sometimes where the value of rest is very low on the "totem pole".

Work Hard, Rest Religiously, and Find God in Both.

There are disciplines that the Bible lays out for you. Not just because, but because they are essential to the balance.

Look up disciplines that the Bible states. (spiritual, self, etc.)

You are not a sociologist or an anthropologist, are you?

..... Human behavior/interactions/reactions/needs/responsibilities have common threads and the Bible speaks to these.

Don't think that the Bible is dated one minute. You are Saul, Nicodemus, Pilate, David, Abel, Judas, Peter, etc.

Rest because....

- you need it
- you have more to give if you do
- it heals
- you are commanded to

- if nothing it because God does.



Lindsay Roberts said... August 22, 2010 at 3:11 PM  

I think "Action" should be the theme of this year. Lets teach this to others through our words and our actions and not think twice about it!

Lindsay Roberts said... August 22, 2010 at 3:14 PM  

sorry this was suppose to be on the post above.... I acted too quickly! Haha

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