Earth Day... Liberal thought...maybe...

Christian calling... definitely!

Verses to chew on (Pick at least one, but read all of them to get the picture)
-Gen. 1:26
-Lev. 25:23-24
-Ezek. 34:2-4
-Isa. 24:4-6
-Jer. 2:7

I read those verses and can't help but be move to act.

I think of it as a job/duty/calling to take care of things. I think of it as I think of other things like teaching my children right from wrong, paying bills, feeding my cats, and calling my grandma. These are not things that are negotiable, THEY HAVE TO BE DONE. Sure I could skip out on following through with any of these thing, but I see the side effects of doing so. My kids would get in trouble, my water would get cut off, my cats would die, and my grandma would be sad....

So what is the effect, spiritually, if I don't take care of that which God commanded me to take care of?

The bible is a story of redemption and about us being a part of that redemption.

How does taking care of the planet bring the message of God to the world?

Why don't all Christians recycle and oppose waste/pollution?

If you don't care about any of this, is that right/wrong/indifference/etc?


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