
Wow, I asked my group on Wednesday to come here (bindandloose.blogspot.com) and read/respond to whatever was up for the day. You know, just a way of being disciplined to read some scripture on a daily basis.

Guess how many have....? 0.


Or maybe not that shocking.

I'm sure if I asked individuals for a reason, I'd get some good ones...
"Had to study", "Forgot", "Tired", or my favorite "I just don't want to (the apathy dagger)".

That last one stings a little, but it is the truth.

People, not just Youth and definitely including myself, are too busy. Or are least they have the perception of being too busy. Either way, we're busy. Corrie Ten Boom once said, "If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy". The truth in that statement is scary. I feel saddened that people have forgotten "purpose" and replaced it with ...
-entertaining websites
-boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend

The truth is we shouldn't have time for these things and instead we argue the opposite to be true. Saying I don't have time for....
-dinner with the family
-sit alone and think about my life and those I affect

We think that "busyness" means productive or successful.
Exodus 34:21

God commands you to slow down and rest, but let's say that you are a "busy body" or you're "ADHD" (even if it's self-diagnosed).

Read Colossians 3:23-24

I'll ask the tough question.

What are you doing, and how is it for God?

(and I'm not asking, what is one thing you're doing for God?. I'm asking how is EVERYTHING that you're doing purposeful for God?)


The Youth of Klein UMC's Fan Box