I'm going out on a limb. A stretch if you will on this thought....


I define "rich" as something deeper than abundance or wealth. I understand that if I asked people who is rich, they (MOST) would answer with someone who has a lot of something (usually money).

I see it differently. I believe that I'm rich and poor at the same time. I think we are all rich and poor.

I see "rich" as possessing something that is scarce, not abundant to most, even missed by most.

I understand Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, heck even Jimmy Buffett are financially "rich".
......monetarily that is

But so are many many others, just not in the financial sense.

With the obesity rate shooting through the roof
......the healthy are rich

With the economy at the mercy of the market
......educators are rich

With families more distant
......the family that doesn't eat in front of the TV is rich

With text messaging and facebook growing daily
.......the ones that can talk are rich

With people expecting Google to answer every question from who won the War of 1812 to what are some verses on patience
.......the ones who know without looking them up are rich

With outsourcing of everything from cleaning your house, putting up your lights, to making your meals
.......the people that are self sufficient are rich

Rich is holding something valuable, which is debatable. Rich is understanding you're rich. Rich is not holding it up so others can see it (because everyone does it already....not scarce at all). Rich is you and your value that some may see and some may not, but you become richer from that insight.

Don't flaunt that which you possess that is scarce. Thank God for it and ask him how you can use/share it.


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