Okay Peter, it's like this.

Acts 10:9-48

God loves the drama in this story.

Why the drama, because this was a big event and a transition for Peter... and for Christianity.

Up until this point, Peter (a man that understood Jewish traditions and law) knew certain things about God. What was acceptable and what wasn't.

Or at least he thought he did.

God comes in with something simple like food and ends up paralleling it to people.

Before this, Jews were the chosen people, but now he understanding that God loves everyone just as much as he loves the Jews.

He loves....
the gentiles
the Jews
the Romans
the pagans
the Americans
the Iraqis
the Chinese
the Republicans
the Democrats
the atheists
the murders
the jerks
the hypocrites
the church going
the mean girls
the "you".....

all the same.

Peter didn't accept this easily, much like it is hard for us to accept that God loves people that we don't. As Peter began to understand, he changed his mind... and so can you....


- How would you react if God asked you to change your mind about something you've always believed?

- Is there any place in your life where you believe some people are more important than others? Why?

- How does this passage help you deal with that? (knowing you're not alone, Peter feels your pain)

Christian Virus

Acts 1:6-8

Hey, I know it is a weird title to discussion, but I like to think differently. I prefer it.

I love this verse, it is like God telling you to get off you butts and get to work for Him.

God could of sent Jesus to ever corner of the Earth so that everyone would see the miracles,
hear the teachings, and receive salvation....but He didn't.

Jesus/God empowers us, (that's right, you have powers) to spread this message of salvation to the
far ends of the globe. God wants you to act on your own salvation and forgiveness to tell other about
what has happened for them as well.

There is roughly a billion of people who have never heard the Gospels...that's crazy.


-Have you ever felt like God was calling you to tell someone outside of your culture the Message?

-How do you think we could reach that billion+?

Finally, pray/mediate in silence about the verse...read it 2-3 times and ask God how He wants to use you?


1 Peter 2:9-10

Where do you come from? Are you Irish, Native American, African American, etc?

Your roots give you a sense of direction, guidance, history, and importance in the grand scheme of things.

Today, look at your spiritual roots.

You are part of a long standing heritage that is the church.

Read the scripture.

How does it feel to know you're a part of a larger spiritual kingdom?

How should this knowledge change the way you live as a believer?

Role Playing

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 & Colossians 1:18

Being a part of a church or a part of the Church (all Christians together), means that you have your part to play in community of believer. You may think, "I'm not important because I'm not in a particular group or have a particular personality", but that is far from the truth. Everyone has been blessed with spiritual gift
(to figure out yours click here -> http://www.kodachrome.org/spiritgift/).

Another part of being in a community is realizing who is in charge. We get caught up in following people in the church... Friends, Parents, Youth Directors, Clergy, Etc...

The truth is Jesus Christ is the leader of our church.
The Brains.
The Heart.
The Power.
The Inspiration.
The Message.
The Authority.

-How can you honor Jesus today as head of His Church?

- Do you know what your role in the Church is? ...no?... Pray and ask Christ to reveal to you what it is.


Using the message from Bryan's sermon this morning, I wanted us to look at what is church.

Why do you think Christians attend church weekly, hardly at all, or never?

What is the purpose of going to church?

I've experienced various reasons in my own life.
- I've gone out of discipline (just showing us)
- I've gone because my parents made me (stay out of trouble)
- I've gone because I didn't have anything better to do (stay out of trouble)
- I've gone because I'd mess up (wanting forgiveness)
- I've gone because it was an escape (wanting refreshment)
- I've gone because I love God (wanting to worship)

Church has many faces.
It is a noun.... a place to go.
It is an adjective..... describing people that are discipline (churchie person or church-going)

It a verb.... an act of meeting with others that are trying to understand and thank God.

Church is not entertainment, Church is not a reflection of worldly values and justice, Church is not a business, Church is not a commodity.

Verses 18-19. What is described about Church?

Mark 10:17-31

What part of the verse/parable do you focus on the most?

This parable mainly focuses on two things:
- What money, little faith, and good works gets you.
- What leaving it all behind will get you.

The focus for today is verses 29-30

Whatever you leave behind, you'll receive 100x that later. We shouldn't ultimately struggle with leaving money and possessions behind, but it is hard when you're talking about people (especially family).

If your relationships are struggling outside the church community, how are you working on building those relationships with your brothers and sisters in God?

Have you ever felt like Peter? (meaning... Peter surrendered everything)?


Wow, I asked my group on Wednesday to come here (bindandloose.blogspot.com) and read/respond to whatever was up for the day. You know, just a way of being disciplined to read some scripture on a daily basis.

Guess how many have....? 0.


Or maybe not that shocking.

I'm sure if I asked individuals for a reason, I'd get some good ones...
"Had to study", "Forgot", "Tired", or my favorite "I just don't want to (the apathy dagger)".

That last one stings a little, but it is the truth.

People, not just Youth and definitely including myself, are too busy. Or are least they have the perception of being too busy. Either way, we're busy. Corrie Ten Boom once said, "If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy". The truth in that statement is scary. I feel saddened that people have forgotten "purpose" and replaced it with ...
-entertaining websites
-boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend

The truth is we shouldn't have time for these things and instead we argue the opposite to be true. Saying I don't have time for....
-dinner with the family
-sit alone and think about my life and those I affect

We think that "busyness" means productive or successful.
Exodus 34:21

God commands you to slow down and rest, but let's say that you are a "busy body" or you're "ADHD" (even if it's self-diagnosed).

Read Colossians 3:23-24

I'll ask the tough question.

What are you doing, and how is it for God?

(and I'm not asking, what is one thing you're doing for God?. I'm asking how is EVERYTHING that you're doing purposeful for God?)

Earth Day... Liberal thought...maybe...

Christian calling... definitely!

Verses to chew on (Pick at least one, but read all of them to get the picture)
-Gen. 1:26
-Lev. 25:23-24
-Ezek. 34:2-4
-Isa. 24:4-6
-Jer. 2:7

I read those verses and can't help but be move to act.

I think of it as a job/duty/calling to take care of things. I think of it as I think of other things like teaching my children right from wrong, paying bills, feeding my cats, and calling my grandma. These are not things that are negotiable, THEY HAVE TO BE DONE. Sure I could skip out on following through with any of these thing, but I see the side effects of doing so. My kids would get in trouble, my water would get cut off, my cats would die, and my grandma would be sad....

So what is the effect, spiritually, if I don't take care of that which God commanded me to take care of?

The bible is a story of redemption and about us being a part of that redemption.

How does taking care of the planet bring the message of God to the world?

Why don't all Christians recycle and oppose waste/pollution?

If you don't care about any of this, is that right/wrong/indifference/etc?

I've decided to put something up daily for us to discuss. The importance of interacting and sharing a community is important when we are together and when we are apart.

Community is important and sometimes our church tries to manufacture (create) it. I think it is hilarious that we try to make something there which is already there.

You believe what you believe because of your environment...Right?

You believe that Jesus is the son of God because your parents and friends believe that...Right?

Can you see God in a different light... Meaning, can you imagine a God that is different from that of your parents and peers?

I believe that the God I grew up with is just a "Catalog" image of the real thing. I feel like I was brought up to believe in a God that someone else believes in. It was until I truly started to believe that I realized I didn't understand. The understanding of what I believed, helped me understand that I didn't understand (....pop.... I think I just blew a fuse).

Respond if you dare...I dare you!

Matt. 16:13-20

-What do you think of Jesus? (Teacher, Prophet, Etc.)

-If you didn't know anyone that believed in Jesus, would you? y?

-If everyone began to reject the divinity of Christ, would you? y?

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