From Ecclesiastes Sermon by Shane Hipps.

This is a paraphrase but this opened me.

The mind convinces us that the past and the future are real, but they aren't.

They are figments.

The past is a figment of our memories. Sometimes we remember it wrong, sometimes we forget it, and if we forget it..... does it exist? And if we remember it (especially when it's wrong)....does it exist? The past isn't here doesn't exist. It has set sail and it is asking us to let it go.

The future is a figment of our imagination. The future has not yet doesn't exist.

The only moment that is real, that actually the moment right now.

This is IT. When you rest in this knowledge....this wisdom....this awareness... you can have access to the Heart, and the Heart contains l'olam (the Eternal see ecclesiastes 3v11).

Now is the only forever/eternal. It is timeless.

Now, this moment, is the only thing that exist, and when you can rest comfortably in it, it opens into the heart. This present moment is the only domain of the Heart and the Heart is the container of the infinite, indestructible LOVE of GOD.

Forgetting the Past and ignoring the Future is one of the ways that we participate with the Master.

This is a reflection of a timeless truth that we all know, but forget all to easy.

with Love and in the moment, ryan


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