Ahhhh...... As my family and I move into a new season, I've noticed it more and more in reflection.

Seasons are good and needed.

However, they can be frustrating if you are unaware of them.

My family has gone through the last 7 months of having a newborn and as Malia grows, we notice we are moving out of the newborn "season" of life.

It's a tough season.
.....full of joy
.....full of adjustments
.....full of sleep deprivation

But luckily, God blesses us with wisdom and experience. This is Lindsay and I's 3rd and so it seems so much easier. It's not easy at all, but like I said "it seems so much easier". That is because we know it is a "season".

That knowledge brings peace and understanding.

Where in your life do you see the struggles as a season?
Where do you see God teaching and revealing to you in this season?

Appreciate this season because it is preparing you for the next.

Much love, Ry

The Youth of Klein UMC's Fan Box